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Add Data label to center of donut chart

Below script will display total value at the center of donut chart.


  1. Create a donut chart

  2. Add below script to the widget. Update the variable labelColor and labelFontSize with color and font size of data label

  3. Save the script and refresh widget

var titleText = ''
var labelColor = '#4287f5'
var labelFontSize = '24px'

widget.on('processresult', function(se, ev){
	sum = 0
	panelItem =ev.widget.metadata.panels[1].items[0]
	itemMask = $$get(panelItem, "format.mask", {})

	var numberFormatter = prism.$injector.get('$filter')('numeric');
	$.each(ev.result.series[0].data, function(index, value){
		sum = sum + value.y
	titleText = 'Total <br>' + numberFormatter(sum, itemMask);
	ev.result.title.text = titleText
	ev.result.title.align = 'center'
    ev.result.title.verticalAlign = 'middle' = {
            color: labelColor, //Color of value label inside donut
            fontWeight: 'bold', 
			fontSize: labelFontSize//Font size of value label inside donut

widget.on("ready", function(w, args){
	chart = w.chart[0][Object.keys(w.chart[0])[0]].hc

	var textX = chart.plotLeft + (chart.series[0].center[0]);
	var textY = chart.plotTop  + (chart.series[0].center[1]);

	title = $('svg .highcharts-title')

	title.attr('x', textX + (title.width() * -0.5));
	title.attr('y', textY + (title.height() * -0.5));


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