Here is a script to convert a Column chart to WordCloud chart

Create a Column chart. It should contain only one field as category and one Value panel.

2. Add below script to widget
3. Save the script and refresh widget
(function(m) {
"object" === typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = m : m(Highcharts)
})(function(m) {
var w = function() {
return function(d) {
var n = this,
k = n.graphic,
p = d.animate,
m = d.attr,
q = d.onComplete,
z = d.css,
r =,
v = d.renderer,
D = d.shapeArgs;
d = d.shapeType;
n.shouldDraw() ? (k || (n.graphic = k = v[d](D).add(r)), k.css(z).attr(m).animate(p, void 0, q)) : k && k.animate(p, void 0, function() {
n.graphic = k = k.destroy();
"function" === typeof q && q()
k && k.addClass(n.getClassName(), !0)
(function(d, n) {
var k = d.each,
p = d.extend,
m = d.isArray,
q = d.isNumber,
z = d.isObject,
r = d.Series,
v = function(a, b) {
return !(b.left > a.right || b.right < a.left || > a.bottom || b.bottom <
D = function(a, b) {
var c = !1,
g = a.rect,
a.lastCollidedWith && (f = a.lastCollidedWith.rect, (c = v(g, f)) || delete a.lastCollidedWith);
c || (c = !!d.find(b, function(b) {
var c;
f = b.rect;
if (c = v(g, f)) a.lastCollidedWith = b;
return c
return c
B = function(a) {
var b = Math.ceil((Math.sqrt(a) - 1) / 2),
c = 2 * b + 1,
g = Math.pow(c, 2),
f = !1,
c = c - 1;
1E4 >= a && ("boolean" === typeof f && a >= g - c && (f = {
x: b - (g - a),
y: -b
g -= c, "boolean" === typeof f && a >= g - c && (f = {
x: -b,
y: -b + (g - a)
}), g -= c, "boolean" === typeof f && (f = a >= g - c ? {
x: -b + (g - a),
y: b
} : {
x: b,
y: b - (g - a - c)
}), f.x *= 5, f.y *= 5);
return f
w = function(a, b) {
a /= b;
return {
width: 256 * a,
height: 256,
ratio: a
C = function(a, b, c) {
return b + (c - b) / (a - 1) * Math.floor(Math.random() * a)
G = function(a, b) {
a = a.getBBox();
var c = b.width / 2,
g = -(b.height / 2),
f = b.height / 2;
return !(-(b.width / 2) < a.x && c > a.x + a.width && g < a.y && f > a.y + a.height)
d.seriesType("wordcloud", "column", {
animation: {
duration: 500
borderWidth: 0,
clip: !1,
colorByPoint: !0,
placementStrategy: "center",
rotation: {
from: 0,
orientations: 2,
to: 90
showInLegend: !1,
spiral: "rectangular",
style: {
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
fontWeight: "900"
tooltip: {
followPointer: !0,
pointFormat: '\x3cspan style\x3d"color:{point.color}"\x3e\u25cf\x3c/span\x3e {}: \x3cb\x3e{point.weight}\x3c/b\x3e\x3cbr/\x3e'
}, {
animate: r.prototype.animate,
bindAxes: function() {
var a = {
endOnTick: !1,
gridLineWidth: 0,
lineWidth: 0,
maxPadding: 0,
startOnTick: !1,
title: null,
tickPositions: []
p(this.yAxis.options, a);
p(this.xAxis.options, a)
deriveFontSize: function(a) {
return Math.floor(25 * a)
drawPoints: function() {
var a = this,
b = a.hasRendered,
c = a.xAxis,
g = a.yAxis,
f =,
d = a.options,
m = d.animation,
n = a.chart.renderer,
A = n.text().add(f),
r = [],
v = a.placementStrategy[d.placementStrategy],
B = a.spirals[d.spiral],
C = d.rotation,
H = {
return a.weight
I = Math.max.apply(null, H),
t = w(c.len, g.len),
E = a.points.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.weight - a.weight
k(E, function(c) {
var g = p({
fontSize: a.deriveFontSize(1 /
I * c.weight) + "px",
fill: c.color
l = v(c, {
data: E,
field: t,
placed: r,
rotation: C
h = {
align: "center",
x: l.x,
y: l.y,
rotation: l.rotation
k, x, e;
c.clientRect = e = p({}, A.element.getBoundingClientRect());
x = A;
for (var w = t, F = 1, y = {
x: 0,
y: 0
}, u = c.rect = p({}, e);
(D(c, r) || G(x, w)) && !1 !== y;) y = B(F, {
field: w
}), z(y) && (u.left = e.left + y.x, u.right = u.left + u.width, = + y.y, u.bottom = + u.height), F++;
x = y;
if (z(x)) {
h.x += x.x;
h.y += x.y;
p(l, {
left: h.x - e.width / 2,
right: h.x + e.width / 2,
top: h.y - e.height /
bottom: h.y + e.height / 2
e = t;
if (!q(e.left) || e.left > l.left) e.left = l.left;
if (!q(e.right) || e.right < l.right) e.right = l.right;
if (!q( || > =;
if (!q(e.bottom) || e.bottom < l.bottom) e.bottom = l.bottom;
t = e;
c.isNull = !1
} else c.isNull = !0;
m && (k = {
x: h.x,
y: h.y
}, b ? (delete h.x, delete h.y) : (h.x = 0, h.y = 0));
animate: k,
attr: h,
css: g,
group: f,
renderer: n,
shapeArgs: void 0,
shapeType: "text"
A = A.destroy();
c = Math.min(1 / (2 * Math.max(Math.abs(t.left), Math.abs(t.right))) * c.len, 1 / (2 * Math.max(Math.abs(,
Math.abs(t.bottom))) * g.len);{
scaleX: c,
scaleY: c
hasData: function() {
return z(this) && !0 === this.visible && m(this.points) && 0 < this.points.length
placementStrategy: {
random: function(a, b) {
a = b.field;
b = b.rotation;
return {
x: Math.round(a.width * (Math.random() + .5) / 2) - a.width / 2,
y: Math.round(a.height * (Math.random() + .5) / 2) - a.height / 2,
rotation: C(b.orientations, b.from,
center: function(a, b) {
a = b.rotation;
return {
x: 0,
y: 0,
rotation: C(a.orientations, a.from,
pointArrayMap: ["weight"],
spirals: {
archimedean: function(a,
b) {
var c = b.field;
b = !1;
var c = c.width * c.width + c.height * c.height,
d = .2 * a;
1E4 >= a && (b = {
x: d * Math.cos(d),
y: d * Math.sin(d)
}, Math.min(Math.abs(b.x), Math.abs(b.y)) < c || (b = !1));
return b
rectangular: function(a, b) {
a = B(a, b);
b = b.field;
a && (a.x *= b.ratio);
return a
square: B
getPlotBox: function() {
var a = this.chart,
b = a.inverted,
c = this[b ? "yAxis" : "xAxis"],
b = this[b ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"];
return {
translateX: (c ? c.left : a.plotLeft) + (c ? c.len : a.plotWidth) / 2,
translateY: (b ? : a.plotTop) + (b ? b.len : a.plotHeight) / 2,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
}, {
draw: n,
shouldDraw: function() {
return !this.isNull
})(m, w)
widget.on('processresult', function(widget,ev) {
ev.result.chart.type = 'wordcloud'
ev.result.plotOptions['wordcloud'] = ev.result.plotOptions['column']
delete ev.result.plotOptions['column']
ev.result.tooltip.enabled = true
ev.result.plotOptions.wordcloud.rotation = {orientations:0}
wordCloudArr = []
$.each(ev.result.series[0].data, function(index, value){
value.weight = value.y
ev.result.series[0].data = wordCloudArr
widget.on('beforedatapointtooltip', function(widget,ev) {
ev.cancel = true