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Custom No Result message
Below script will allow you to change default 'No Result' message to any message you want. It is possible to apply different messages to...
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Add description to Widget
Here is a method for adding detailed information about the chart and data that will always appear at the bottom of a widget. Steps:...
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Add subtitle to Widget
Sometimes we may need to add some more information about the data displayed on the widget. i-button is an option to add this...
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Dynamic widget title and axis label
There can be situations where we need to display widget title and axis labels based on selected item in filter. Here is a script to...
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Add background image to a widget
Below script allow us to add background image to a widget. Steps: Create a widget. (supported widget types : bar, column, area, line,...
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Gradient fill in Scatter chart
Gradient colors can be applied to a scatter chart using below script Steps: Create a scatter chart Add below script to widget Save script...
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Additional columns in CSV
When we export a widget as CSV, it just contains the widget's dimensions and measures. Additional measure columns that are not part of...
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Change background and font color of widgets in Sisense
Supported widget types : Line chart, Bar chart, Column chart, Pie chart, Scatter chart, Area chart widget.on('processresult',function(se,...
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