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Dashboard Refresh Button
In order to refresh all widgets in a dashboard, we need to refresh the entire page. But we can add a button to refresh all widgets. Here...
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Always show i-buttons having description
We already have a script to highlight i-buttons having description. In view mode, widget i-buttons are visible only if we hover over the...
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Add i-Button in Dashboard
Currently there is an option to add description for each widget by click on i-button on title. But there is no i-button at dashboard...
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Highlight i-button of widgets having description
In Sisense, we can add description about a widget in its i-button which is located at widget header. But it is difficult to know if any...
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Collapse or Hide Dashboard and Filter panels
Sisense dashboards have left and right panels. Left panel is to display list of dashboards and Right panel is for dashboard filters....
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Modal popup in Dashboard
Sometimes you may need to show some messages, like information about the charts, on loading the dashboard. This can be achieved using...
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Hide widgets from a dashboard
Here is a script to hide one or widgets from a dashboard. (Its possible to modify the script so that a widget can be hide/unhide based on...
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