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Filter Buttons v2 - With 'All' button
We already have a script to add filter buttons in a widget. Here is an upgraded version of the script which will add another button 'All'...
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Widget Refresh Button
In Sisense, widgets will be refreshed when - we reload the dashboard - change any filters - click on refresh button which can be found in...
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Disable/Deselect One or More Items in Legend By Default
In Sisense, all legends are enabled by default. Below script can be used to disable one more items in legend when load/refresh the widget...
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Filter Dropdown in Widget
Here is script to add filter dropdown to a widget. We can filter to a particular item by selecting an item from the list. Steps: Create...
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Filter Buttons in Widget
Here is script to add filter buttons to a widget. There will be one button for each items in a dimension and we can filter to a...
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Apply style to widget buttons
We can add buttons to a widget for many purposes. Here are some examples we already posted: Switchable Measure Buttons Button to...
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Switchable Measure Dropdown
Here is a script to add a dropdown to switch between different measures/calculation. For example, in below screenshot, each item in...
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Custom No Result message
Below script will allow you to change default 'No Result' message to any message you want. It is possible to apply different messages to...
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Button to Show/Hide value labels
Sometime the widget looks messy when we enable value labels. At the same time it would be good to enable it to analyze the chart easily....
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Button to change widget type
By default, only data designer can change the widget type. Below script will add buttons to a widget, so that user can change the widget...
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Add description to Widget
Here is a method for adding detailed information about the chart and data that will always appear at the bottom of a widget. Steps:...
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Add subtitle to Widget
Sometimes we may need to add some more information about the data displayed on the widget. i-button is an option to add this...
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Dynamic widget title and axis label
There can be situations where we need to display widget title and axis labels based on selected item in filter. Here is a script to...
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Display values in legend - Pie chart
The script below displays value of each items along with legend Steps: Create a pie chart Add below script to widget Save the script and...
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Add background image to a widget
Below script allow us to add background image to a widget. Steps: Create a widget. (supported widget types : bar, column, area, line,...
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Additional columns in CSV
When we export a widget as CSV, it just contains the widget's dimensions and measures. Additional measure columns that are not part of...
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Add Data label to center of donut chart
Below script will display total value at the center of donut chart. Steps: Create a donut chart Add below script to the widget. Update...
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Gradient color in pie chart
Below script will add gradient color to pie chart. Steps: Create pie chart Add below widget script and update the variable 'color1' with...
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Convert pie chart to semi-circle donut
A pie chart can be converted to semi circle donut using below script. widget.on('processresult', function(se, ev){...
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Add button to Sisense widget
Below script allow you to add a button in Sisense widget and specified URL will be opened when you click on it widget.on("ready",...
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